What is angina

Physical loads and angina

Physical exercise is not only allowed but recommended for patients with coronary heart disease. However, not all types of exercise are appropriate: moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as fast walking, cycling or swimming, are good for you, but you should ask your doctor how much exercise you are allowed to take, and increase the load gradually. Isometric exercise, where muscles contract (are compressed) for a long time, is not suitable for people suffering from angina. Generally, isometric exercises include strength training and push-ups. Regular breathing exercise has been shown to have a positive effect on coronary arteries, slowing down the buildup of plaques either directly, due to the so-called massage effect on the endothelium (a layer of cells lining the inner surface of vessels), or indirectly, by reducing the body weight and blood pressure parameters, and improving blood glucose control in patients with diabetes mellitus.

You should know what level of physical activity triggers your angina attacks and try to stop and rest before you experience chest pain. For instance, if you feel chest pain after climbing two flights of stairs, you should stop and rest halfway before you continue climbing. In addition, you should check your blood pressure before starting to exercise: if you blood pressure is poorly controlled, you should avoid physical exertion, as it can be dangerous. You should also check your pulse while training, and your doctor will tell you when to stop (i.e., which heart rate is too high for you).

If you experience chest pain during physical exercise, stop and rest or take your medicine. The pain should go away within several minutes. If the pain is not relieved or lasts longer than usual, seek medical attention immediately.

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